Ooh Those Summer Nights…Music and Memories

So a friend from high school challenged me to post an album cover a day for twenty days with no explanation, just the cover.Easy right?Well today I posted the soundtrack from the movie Grease. I was obsessed with that movie as a child and imagined I was Danny Zuko,...

Starting Over…Again

They say starting over is easy, it’s just a matter of putting one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward until you achieve your goal. Sometimes it is easier said than done.This is my second attempt at starting over and I’m hoping to get it...

Q is for Quotes

People love to quote…well, quotes. I am no different. I love movie quotes and music quotes. So I;m simply going to leave a few of my favorites and see if you can identify any of them.Here they are in no particular order.I’ll get you my pretty, and your...