My Very First Book Tour

by: C.J. Galaway

June 28, 2015
     On Monday I begin my journey to Pennsylvania with my wife to begin my very first book tour. At this point a lot of thoughts and feelings are going through me…from excitement, to fear, to nervousness. Some of the questions that keep  running through my head in a loop:

What if no one shows up?
What if a lot of people show up?
Did I bring enough books…or worse yet do I have too many?
Will they like me?
Will I be able to sign my name?
Fortunately the one worry I don’t have is what will I wear. That I have left in the capable hands of my wife, who has my wardrobe all picked out. We will look good, as well as compliment each other.
Dare I mention my wife is packing only nine pairs of shoes for the week? (I will have maybe four)
This trip into my hometown area isn’t all work. I will be taking my wife to Kennywood Park in Pittsburgh for a day of fun. She has introduced me to her local amusement park, Carowinds, and now I get to show off mine.
This even would not be happening if it wasn’t for the awesome people at Bradley’s Book Outlets. They have been awesome and very supportive, especially Brenda, the manager at the Uniontown Mall store. She was the one to let me have my first book signing and was the one with the idea for a tour…she has been super supportive!
The tour dates are listed below, hope to see you at one of them!
1. Tuesday June 30th 1PM-5PM
Bradley’s Book Outlet in Station Square
2. Wednesday July 1st 12PM-3PM
Bradley’s Book Outlet at Macy’s in downtown Pittsburgh
3. Saturday July 4th 1PM-5PM also my birthday!
Bradley’s Book Outlet at Century III Mall in West Mifflin
4. Sunday Joly 5h 12PM-5PM
Bradley’s Book Outlet at Uniontown Mall in Uniontown
Blood Lost: The Final Book of the Blood Lost Series
Blood Wars by CJ Galaway
Blood Lust by CJ Galaway
Blood Ties by CJ Galaway
Bite Marks by CJ Galaway


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