Music That Moves Me

by: C.J. Galaway

April 16, 2016
Music is my sanity. It is my escape and my way to express myself when there is no one around to vent to, or laugh with. When a song comes on that just speaks to me, I will crank it up and (try to) sing along. When I’m feeling and there are no words to describe hat I’m feeling, I’ll post song lyrics that speak for me way better than I can.

My main music of choice is hard rock to heavy metal in all of its wondrous spectrum of tones and moods. To some of you it all sounds alike and I can respect that, but the harder the better for me. It simply does something to soothe me like no other music can.

Rock isn’t all I listen to though. I love country music from classic to modern. My teenage years were spent listening to bubble gum pop and plastering the walls of my room with their bands. I love classical, jazz, big bands, R&B, some rap (not much), among many other styles of music. If it has a good beat and lyrics that move me, I’m there.

What moves you when life gets you down? If I could I’d spend the rest of my life in comfy pj’s curled up with a good book, a pot of tea, and excellent music to listen to,

Blood Lost: The Final Book of the Blood Lost Series
Blood Wars by CJ Galaway
Blood Lust by CJ Galaway
Blood Ties by CJ Galaway
Bite Marks by CJ Galaway

1 Comment

  1. Andrea

    Chocolate moves me!


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