G is for Grafton

by: C.J. Galaway

April 8, 2018
That would be Sue Grafton, one of my literary heroes. She passed away late last year and fans of o good mystery lost a brilliant ind and creative genius.

I remember finding a copy of A is for Alibi in a thrift store and thinking this looks interesting. So I found a comfy chair and started reading. (my mom liked to take her time shopping so I would sit and read) I was hooked instantly by Grafton’s easy storytelling style and the believability of her characters.

I had to read more and busted tail to get caught up in the series, which meant finding B-K which I managed to do.

Then I had to wait on L is for Lawless like the rest of the mortal world…but her books were always worth the wait.

It will be so weird not to wait for a new book from her.

She has influenced my writing style in many ways I may never realize, and for which I will be forever grateful.

Blood Lost: The Final Book of the Blood Lost Series
Blood Wars by CJ Galaway
Blood Lust by CJ Galaway
Blood Ties by CJ Galaway
Bite Marks by CJ Galaway


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