The Madcap Adventures of A Writer and Her Trucker Part Five

by: C.J. Galaway

January 20, 2016
Weather, a word most people only think of when it comes to their plans for their days off or vacation time. But for professional truck drivers it is a part of their daily routine. Rain affects visibility and wind makes it extremely difficult to stay in your lane on the road. Think of the last time you drove in the wind for those of you who drive a high-profile SUV. The difficulties are doubled and sometimes even tripled for what is a 13’6″ high 53′ long rolling hollow block of aluminum.

Then there is that four-letter word no one who has to drive in it likes…and that is snow. And with snow comes his best friend ice. A lethal combination for any driver. For a truck driver it is magnified by the fact that people panic when the roads get bad and pay even less attention to their surroundings.

A perfect example of this is I saw a car with its’ left turn signal on to merge left and then they merged right. Fortunately for the driver no one was around them and nothing awful happened.

Please be safe out there and be aware of all vehicles around you. Nothing is worth rushing to get there.

Blood Lost: The Final Book of the Blood Lost Series
Blood Wars by CJ Galaway
Blood Lust by CJ Galaway
Blood Ties by CJ Galaway
Bite Marks by CJ Galaway


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