Starting Over…Again

by: C.J. Galaway

March 5, 2019
They say starting over is easy, it’s just a matter of putting one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward until you achieve your goal. Sometimes it is easier said than done.

This is my second attempt at starting over and I’m hoping to get it right this time. Then I thought who decides what is right or wrong? And does it even matter? Oh the questions that go through my head, I wonder about them sometimes myself.

Anyway, when I put my first novel out I truly didn’t think about all of the additional work that would be required of me. I thought hey I wrote this really great book and people will read it and fall in love with it and me and then I’ll be set.

Just like everyone else out there that has ever self published a novel.

I have learned a lot since putting that first book out and I still have a lot more to learn. The best lesson I have learned is that I am both my own worst enemy and my only competition. I have changed the way I look at things and the focus of my goals. I still want the fame and success, after all who in this profession doesn’t want it? My focus now is to let my books speak for me and put my all into my writing so that I can feed your imagination.

So keep an eye on this blog as i will be posting here more often to talk to you and give you insights into the world that is C.J. Galaway.

My best and most valuable resource and source for inspiration will always be you my readers.

Blood Lost: The Final Book of the Blood Lost Series
Blood Wars by CJ Galaway
Blood Lust by CJ Galaway
Blood Ties by CJ Galaway
Bite Marks by CJ Galaway


  1. A.Keyes

    New beginnings are something i am very familar with at the moment. They can truly be a gift so i hope it treats you well and you make the most of it!!!

  2. C.J. Galaway

    Thank you I hope it does also. With the support of awesome people like you, I am sure it will be easier to accomplish.


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