Coping With The Demons of Doubt, Fear, Failure, and believe it or not…Success
As a writer it is my job to create fictional worlds where people can escape reality if only for a little while. When I was a child I loved to read like a lot. I wish I had the time to read as an adult like I did as a child. What I'm trying to get at is that I didn't...
Ooh Those Summer Nights…Music and Memories
So a friend from high school challenged me to post an album cover a day for twenty days with no explanation, just the cover.Easy right?Well today I posted the soundtrack from the movie Grease. I was obsessed with that movie as a child and imagined I was Danny Zuko,...
Starting Over…Again
They say starting over is easy, it's just a matter of putting one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward until you achieve your goal. Sometimes it is easier said than done.This is my second attempt at starting over and I'm hoping to get it right this time....
Collecting stuff and the people who tolerate what we do
There's a saying that goes one man's junk is another man's treasure. Does this apply to the things people collect as well? How would that apply to the people who collect things and the people who try to tolerate those collections?Me I collect trading cards of all...
Q is for Quotes
People love to quote...well, quotes. I am no different. I love movie quotes and music quotes. So I;m simply going to leave a few of my favorites and see if you can identify any of them.Here they are in no particular order.I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog...
P is for Procrastination
Which is something I seem to be very good at, judging by how behind I am on this blog challenge.Why do people procrastinate? That is a very good question.Laziness is one simple reason...I'll do it tomorrow and tomorrow never comes.Fear is another one...what if I do...
O is for Opportunity
I've heard many things about opportunity; it only knocks once, you've got to listen for it, seize the opportunity.I say opportunity is what you make it to be and is yours to grab...if you dare.If not, then why work hard, plan and dream if putting the effort into...
N is for Novel
Ah the great American novel. The dream of every aspiring author across the globe, me included.Webster's defines the word as follows:a fictitious prose narrative of considerable length and complexity,portraying characters and usually presenting a sequential...
M is for Melissa
This is going to be a bit of a different post from the others for this challenge, as it is about someone who is rapidly becoming a dear friend of mine.Her name is Melissa and she loves all kinds of animals...except for birds, but she loves those at a distance. (don't...
L is for Love
All right, let's get our minds out of the gutter now. I said love , not lust. Yes they are two completely different animals. And this isn't about the popular Beatles song "All You Need Is Love" either; which is a pretty cool song to be honest.This is about the word...